The net zero challenge facing the UK will precipitate fundamental changes to the UK economy and to the ways in which business is done.
To help companies understand how these changes will affect their sector and their business, Enterprise Ireland UK has launched “Net Zero UK – Ready for a Green Future”, a new market intelligence initiative for Irish exporters to the UK.
The Enterprise Ireland UK office will be providing focused sectoral insights on the key UK net zero challenges, opportunities, and market developments. This will include analyses on products and services that are at risk of becoming obsolete and an examination of future net zero technology trends and demand areas. This market intelligence will help to inform your company’s strategic business planning and R&D efforts, helping to future-proof your activities in the UK market.
A series of webinars featuring sector-focused sustainability experts, corporate stakeholders and UK net zero policy specialists will take place daily between Tuesday 22nd and Friday 25th June.
Learn more and register below:
Webinar – Net Zero UK Overview, Why, When and How?
Tuesday 22nd June, 15:00 to 16:00
The net zero challenge facing the UK will reform the ways in which business is done. To help Irish exporters understand how these changes will affect their sector and growth, Enterprise Ireland UK and UK net zero experts will host a market insights webinar to examine:
The major industry and policy drivers that will accelerate the UK economy towards net zero emissions
The impact of the UK’S Sixth Carbon Budget, Green Industrial Strategy and individual corporate net zero plans
Key sectoral updates
Enterprise Ireland’s organisational climate action strategy
Green initiatives such as the €10 million Climate Enterprise Action Fund
Register today
Net Zero UK webinar series
Net Zero UK Overview – Introductory Session – 22nd June 15:00-16:00
Getting to the start line of the race to Net Zero – Decarbonising the Construction Supply Chain – 23rd June 10:00-11:30
The Role of the Energy Transition in UK Net Zero – 23rd June 15:00-16:00