Entries by Louise Cunningham

Access premium business intelligence reports with the Market Research Centre

The main ways client companies can utilise the Enterprise Ireland Market Research Centre   If you are interested in entering a new market or diversifying into a new sector, Enterprise […]

5 ways GradStart can help you to attract and retain graduates

Talent is one of the business world’s most valuable resources. The ability to attract, recruit and retain, ambitious, highly skilled employees is a must for every Irish company aiming for […]

CASE: How automotive disruption offers huge opportunities for Irish tech companies

The automotive industry is at a crossroads. In an era where digital technology is disrupting the status quo throughout the global economy, few industries are being so profoundly impacted as […]

5 ways to make the most of your Market Discovery Fund project 

Learning that your business has been approved for a support like Enterprise Ireland’s Market Discovery Fund is great news. But it is followed by an important question. How can you […]

Help your company grow by using the Market Research Centre

With Brexit a reminder of the importance of diversifying and discovering exciting new export opportunities, Enterprise Ireland’s Market Research Centre can help. Conducting the right market research is vital for […]